Jubilant Fabric will be attending the following events in 2025:
- Atlanta, GA: Mar 6-8 ✔️
- Lakeland, FL: Mar 13-15 ✔️
- Cleveland, OH: Apr 3-5
- Novi, MI: Nov 13-15, pick up code PUNovi1125
You can purchase your tickets at Original Sewing & Quilt Expo (SewingExpo.com). If you'd like to volunteer at the Jubilant Fabric booth, please join the Facebook page~ we will ask for volunteers closer to the events. Volunteers receive free entry into the vendor hall for the day they're volunteering.
We will pop up at some of the other smaller sewing vacation style expos with limited retail (eyeing Vegas in July and Nashville with The Sewcial Club in August).
- Vegas pickup code PUVegas0725
- Nashville pickup code PUNash0825
There will only be the following pre-orders.
Pre-Order will close..
- January 31 ✔️
- February 28 ✔️
- Mar 28 (Delivery ~May 23)
- Apr 25 (Delivery ~Jun 20)
- May 30 (Delivery ~July 11)
- June 27 (Delivery ~Aug 22)
- July 31 (extended due to SewCation, Delivery ~Sept 19)
- August 31 (extended due to PeaceLoveSewCo event, Delivery ~Oct 26)
- September 26 (Delivery ~Nov 7).
- October 31 (Delivery ~Dec 27, 2025
- November 28 (Delivery ~ Jan 23, 2026)
- December 31 (extended due to Holiday, Delivery ~Feb 27, 2026)
All pre-orders will be processed from Florida in 2025. This will prevent your fabric from getting confused with the retail inventory in Michigan and remain within expected TAT.
If you'd like to pickup at Lakeland or Atlanta in 2026, use code PUATL0326 PULakeland0326 respectively!