⭐️Preorder will be open UNTIL we reach 100 Yards ordered OR 4 week ordering window, then I will close the website & there’ll be a 4 week TAT.
⭐️I WILL provide frequent updates on the Jubilant Fabric Facebook post.
⭐️4 week window + 4 week TAT— that puts them on your doorstep DURING the week of Christmas. “Worst case”. So I don’t want to PROMISE that these will arrive before Christmas, but that’s why I’m willing to close the preorder once 100 Y is reached. If that’s in 2 weeks, I’ll close and submit 2 weeks early and CAN try to promise them before Christmas. Otherwise, there’s nothing I PERSONALLY need to order before Christmas… so if there’s NEED, then I’m willing to help rush them here if you help me reach MOQ!
⭐️Round Opened 10/26: Closes when 100 Yards are ordered or Nov 23, whichever comes first. 4 week TAT from order close 💎 Purchase 10 Y or more, recieve 10% off with code 10Yards!